“Jasmuižas 37 - First (bird)house” - Brooklyn Botanic Garden

“Jasmuižas 37 - First (bird)house”

Viktor Timofeev
Birch, nails, model trees, acrylic paint
16 in. × 12 in. × 32 in.
Annual Border

Based on their childhood home in Riga, Latvia, artist Viktor Timofeev’s birdhouse is in the architectural style typical of Soviet-era bloc housing—a style they say was formative to building their early imagination, and subsequent identity. “Playfully adapting this form to a birdhouse calls attention to the many different migrant communities living in New York City at any given time,” says Timofeev, “and symbolically connects to its bird population as ‘fellow travelers.’” Only one of the circular black “windows” on the birdhouse facade is real, giving way to a spacious, vertical interior once accessed.

  • A man in a studio with a background of books and sketches

    Viktor Timofeev (b. 1984, Latvia) is an artist based in New York. They received their BFA at Hunter College in New York and MFA at Piet Zwart Institute in Rotterdam. Working across drawing, painting, video, and experimental games, Timofeev frequently combines these media within theatrical environments to touch upon themes of auto-fiction and world-building. Recent exhibitions include DOG at Interstate Projects, New York; Post Digital Intimacy at National Gallery Prague; 14th Baltic Triennial at Center for Contemporary Art, Vilnius; Spatial Affairs at Museum Ludwig, Budapest; and Unexpected Encounters at The Latvian National Museum of Art, Riga.

    Artist website: viktortimofeev.com
    Instagram: @viktortimofeev

Photo: Marina Galperina


Angélica Negrón

This recording from The Birdsong Project was selected to complement this birdhouse.

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Logo: Warby Parker