Bug as food as house - Brooklyn Botanic Garden

Bug as food as house

Misha Kahn
Ceramic, natural fibers
16 in. × 16 in. × 24 in.
Flatbush Avenue Entrance

Bug as food as house is inspired by the idea of a bird eating a bug. “It’s similar to how we might like to have a house that looks like a sandwich,” artist Misha Kahn explains, “this transient relationship of desire for the bird.” Kahn hopes that changing the scale and relationship of bird and bug gives viewers an appreciation for how spectacular both creatures are.

  • A man with shaggy blond hair in a psychedelic shirt and tiger striped pants lounges in an orange couch

    Misha Kahn (b. 1989, U.S.) was born in Duluth, Minnesota, and got his BFA in furniture design at RISD. Kahn works across many media, from metal, ceramics, glass, weaving, plastics, and wood, melding ad hoc and craft techniques with the high tech. His work has been exhibited internationally and is held in many permanent collections including the Museum of Fine Arts, Houston, and the Corning Museum of Glass.

    Artist website: mishakahn.com
    Instagram: @mishakahn

Photo: Charles White/JWPictures.com; courtesy of Friedman Benda and Dries Van Note


Birdsong for Randy
Dan Deacon

This recording from The Birdsong Project was selected to complement this birdhouse.

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Logo: Warby Parker