Descendants - Brooklyn Botanic Garden


Luam Melake
Urethane, dyes, plywood, pipe, chain, flowerpot, shoe, tin can, coat pocket
22 in. × 7.5 in. × 60 in.
Native Flora Garden

Descendants is an assemblage of architectural elements and man-made objects that a variety of bird species seek out for their own purposes. The work is a reminder of the way that humans and nature coexist within the built environment and that “the human impulse to create things comes from an animal instinct to survive and be comfortable,” artist Luam Melake says. “It is both a monument to the desire to survive and a future memorial to humanity, who will be survived by its creations.”

  • a Black woman smiles for a portrait

    Luam Melake (b. 1986, U.S.) creates handwoven sculptures and furniture using innovative material combinations. Exploiting the psychological impacts of objects is the central focus of her work. Melake received her BA from the University of California, Berkeley, in interdisciplinary field studies in architecture. She has exhibited at galleries including R & Company, Parker Gallery, Addis Fine Art, and Fondation Blachere. She is currently a research fellow at Parsons School of Design and artist in residence at the Museum of Arts and Design.

    Artist website:

Photo: Colin Conces


St. Francis and the Birds
Terry Riley

This recording from The Birdsong Project was selected to complement this birdhouse.

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For the Birds Presenting Sponsor

Logo: Warby Parker